How To Change Your Mortgage Interest Rate

EURIBOR’s upward trend is causing a tide of mortgage changes from variable to fixed interest rate so far this year. Mortgage holders are increasingly requesting banks to change their mortgage interest rate as the reference rate’s ongoing rise directly impacts Spanish...

How EURIBOR Will Evolve In The Coming Months

After EURIBOR increased for 20 consecutive months, interest rates fell to 4.07% in August, a figure that Tecnotramit warns ‘could stay like this’, since banks and European policies, which are used as counterweight, are not able to stabilise inflation. According to...

How To Reduce Costs When Back From Holidays

It is very important to save up when back home from summer holidays in order to achieve your ‘new school year’ objectives. In fact, if January and September have one thing in common that is many decide to tighten their belts and try new projects during these months of...